Monday, July 9, 2007

MP3 article

Reaction to the MP3 article:

I think the idea of using MP3 players makes more sense for older students, especially high school and college. I think the idea of using it to learn a foreign language is a great one, especially because it helps to hear the words and phrases used over and over again. I do see the problem, however, when using it for younger students, especially when it comes to listening to books on tape. The students still need to read books, books should not be eliminated. This would be wonderful, however, for those students who have trouble reading and are able to comprehend better when it is read to them.

1 comment:

Darcy said...

I agree. My 16 yr-old brother has started reading books for school while simultaneously listening to them on MP3. It helps him to get through tough books faster & he still follows along with the written word.